Should You Offer Continuing Education to Your Employees?
Maybe an employee dropped it off anonymously within the company suggestion box a couple of weeks ago. Maybe one among the new bright-eyed
For whatever reason, you've got continuing education for your employees on the brain. And you can't stop brooding about it.
On one hand, you think that it's an excellent idea. It can enhance a company's internal intelligence level as the company increases
On the opposite hand, you think that it's expensive and can cut in to productivity during the workday.
Baloney! Offering continuing education to your employees is that the most suitable option you'll bring you, your company, you
Just believe it: you'll offer a customer service training to all or any of your staff who
Employees learn important lessons and techniques for amazing and loyal customer service , your clients are happy. meaning they're going to be more likely to try to to repeat business with you and your company makes more money.
Or, all of your IT staff goes through a unbroken education course on the importance of the new software the corporate is
The IT staff learns the ropes of the software and even learns a couple of little tricks to stay the software running
effectively and smoothly. In turn, your products leave on time and customers are happy. Again, meaning they're going to be
more likely to try to to repeat business with you and your company makes extra money
And again, you look better within the eyes of YOUR boss. So tell me again why you think that continuing education may be a bad thing?
Also, it boosts company morale because it shows your employees that you simply care about their minds and need to assist make them
in to raised employees. So actually, the return goes both ways.
you've got a more educated staff and that they have the greaterself-confidence and intelligence needed to make a dynamic work environment.
You could also look in to making a program where employees can prefer to take a category of their own choosing annually .
That way they're going to be more loyal to your company because they desire you've got a vested curious about them and their